Core modules and classes


msticnb.class_doc Functions to create documentation from notebooklets classes.
msticnb.common Common definitions and classes.
msticnb.data_providers Data Providers class and init function.
msticnb.nb_browser Jupyter Browser for Notebooklets.
msticnb.notebooklet Notebooklet base classes.
msticnb.options Notebooklets global options.
msticnb.read_modules read_modules - handles reading notebooklets modules.

msticnb.class_doc module

Functions to create documentation from notebooklets classes.

msticnb.class_doc.get_class_doc(doc_cls: type, fmt: str = 'html') → str

Create HTML documentation for the notebooklet class.

  • doc_cls (type) – The class to document
  • fmt (str) – Format = “html” or “md”, by default “html”

HTML documentation for the class

Return type:



TypeError – If the class is not a subclass of Notebooklet.

msticnb.common module

Common definitions and classes.

exception msticnb.common.MsticnbDataProviderError

Bases: msticnb.common.MsticnbError

DataProvider Error.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception msticnb.common.MsticnbError

Bases: Exception

Generic exception class for Notebooklets.


Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

exception msticnb.common.MsticnbMissingParameterError(*args)

Bases: msticnb.common.MsticnbError

Parameter Error.

Exception for missing parameter.

Parameters:args (str) – First arg is the name or names of the parameters.

Exception.with_traceback(tb) – set self.__traceback__ to tb and return self.

class msticnb.common.NBContainer

Bases: object

Container for Notebooklet classes.

iter_classes() → Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]

Return iterator through all notebooklet classes.

msticnb.common.add_result(result: Any, attr_name: Union[str, List[str]])

Decorate func to add return value(s) to result.

  • result (Any) – Object that will have result attributes set.
  • attr_name (str or List[str]) – Name of return attribute to set on result

Wrapped function

Return type:

Callable[*args, **kwargs]

msticnb.common.check_mp_version(required_version: str) → bool

Returns true if the installed version is >= required_version.

msticnb.common.df_has_data(data) → bool

Return True if data DataFrame has data.


Return currently-loaded msticpy version.

msticnb.common.nb_data_wait(source: str)

Print Getting data message.

Parameters:source (str) – The data source.

Print debug args.

msticnb.common.nb_display(*args, **kwargs)

Ipython display function wrapper.

msticnb.common.nb_markdown(*args, **kwargs)

Display Markdown/HTML text.

msticnb.common.nb_print(*args, **kwargs)

Print output but suppress if “silent”.

Parameters:mssg (Any) – The item/message to show
msticnb.common.nb_warn(*args, **kwargs)

Display Markdown/HTML warning text.

msticnb.common.set_text(title: Optional[str] = None, hd_level: int = 2, text: Optional[str] = None, md: bool = False, docs: Dict[str, Any] = None, key: str = None)

Decorate function to print title/text before execution.

  • title (Optional[str], optional) – Title text to print, by default None
  • hd_level (int) – Heading level (1-4), by default 2
  • text (Optional[str], optional) – Text to print, by default None
  • md (bool, optional) – Treat text as markdown, by default False
  • docs (Dict[str, Any]) – Dictionary of cell documentation indexed by key
  • key (str) – Item to use from docs dictionary.

Wrapped function

Return type:

Callable[*args, **kwargs]


Display bokeh plot, resetting output.

msticnb.data_providers module

Data Providers class and init function.

class msticnb.data_providers.ProviderDefn(prov_class, connect_reqd, get_config)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of ProviderDefn(prov_class, connect_reqd, get_config)


Alias for field number 1


Return number of occurrences of value.


Alias for field number 2


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 0

class msticnb.data_providers.SingletonDecorator(wrapped_cls)

Bases: object

Singleton decorator class.


Using this decorator on a class enforces the following behavior: - First instantiation of class will work as normal - Subsequent attempts with the same set/values of kwargs

will just return the original class
  • Instantiation of the class with a different set of kwargs will instantiate a new class.
  • The class method current() will always return the last instance of the class.

Instantiate the class wrapper.


Return the current instance of the wrapped class.

msticnb.data_providers.init(query_provider: str = 'AzureSentinel', providers: Optional[List[str]] = None, **kwargs)

Instantiate an instance of DataProviders.

  • query_provider (str, optional) – DataEnvironment name of the primary query provider. By default, “AzureSentinel”. You can add addtional query providers by including them in the providers list.
  • providers (Optional[List[str]], optional) – A list of provider names, by default None
Other Parameters:

kwargs – You can pass parameters to individual providers using the following notation: ProviderName_param_name=”param_value” Where `ProviderName is the name of the data provider, param_name is the parameter name expected by the provider and param_value is the value to assign to param_name. param_value can be any type.

Depending on the provider, these parameters (with the prefix stripped) are sent to either the constructor or connect method.


To see a list of currently supported providers call: DataProviders.list_providers()

msticnb.nb_browser module

Jupyter Browser for Notebooklets.

class msticnb.nb_browser.NBBrowser

Bases: object

Interactive browser/viewer for Notebooklets.

Initialize and Display Notebooklet Browser.


Display the widget.

msticnb.nb_metadata module

Notebooklet base classes.

class msticnb.nb_metadata.NBMetadata(name: str = 'Unnamed', mod_name: str = '', description: str = '', default_options: List[Union[str, Dict[KT, VT]]] = NOTHING, other_options: List[Union[str, Dict[KT, VT]]] = NOTHING, inputs: List[str] = ['value'], entity_types: List[str] = NOTHING, keywords: List[str] = NOTHING, req_providers: List[str] = NOTHING)

Bases: object

Notebooklet metadata class.

Method generated by attrs for class NBMetadata.


Return combination of default and other options.

get_options(option_set: str = 'all') → List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]

Return list of options and descriptions.

Parameters:option_set (str, optional) – The subset of options to return, by default “all” Other values are “default” and “other”
Returns:A list of tuples of option name and description.
Return type:List[Tuple[str, Optional[str]]]

Return list of options and documentation.


Return set of search terms for the object.

msticnb.nb_metadata.read_mod_metadata(mod_path: str, module_name) → Tuple[msticnb.nb_metadata.NBMetadata, Dict[str, Any]]

Read notebooklet metadata from yaml file.

  • mod_path (str) – The fully-qualified (dotted) module name
  • module_name (str) – The full module name.

A tuple of the metadata class and the documentation dictionary

Return type:

Tuple[NBMetadata, Dict[str, Any]]

msticnb.nb_metadata.update_class_doc(cls_doc: str, cls_metadata: msticnb.nb_metadata.NBMetadata)

Append the options documentation to the cls_doc.

msticnb.notebooklet module

Notebooklet base classes.

class msticnb.notebooklet.Notebooklet(data_providers: Optional[msticnb.data_providers.DataProviders] = None, **kwargs)

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for Notebooklets.

Intialize a new instance of the notebooklet class.

Parameters:data_providers (DataProviders, Optional) – Optional DataProviders instance to query data. Most classes require this.
Raises:MsticnbDataProviderError – If DataProviders has not been initialized. If required providers are specified by the notebooklet but are not available.
classmethod all_options() → List[str]

Return supported options for Notebooklet run function.

Returns:Supported options.
Return type:List[str]
check_table_exists(table: str) → bool

Check to see if the table exists in the provider.

Parameters:table (str) – Table name
Returns:True if the table exists, otherwise False.
Return type:bool
check_valid_result_data(attrib: str = None, silent: bool = False) → bool

Check that the result is valid and attrib contains data.

  • attrib (str) – Name of the attribute to check, if None this function only checks for a valid _last_result.
  • silent (bool) – If True, suppress output.

Returns True if valid data is available, else False.

Return type:


classmethod default_options() → List[str]

Return default options for Notebooklet run function.

Returns:Supported options.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod description() → str

Return description of the Notebooklet.

Return type:str
classmethod entity_types() → List[str]

Entity types supported by the notebooklet.

Returns:Entity names
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_help(fmt='html') → str

Return HTML document for class.

get_methods() → Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]

Return methods available for this class.

get_pivot_run(get_timespan: Callable[[], msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan])

Return Pivot-wrappable run function.

get_provider(provider_name: str)

Return data provider for the specified name.

Parameters:provider_name (str) – Name of the provider
Returns:Provider instance.
Return type:Any
Raises:MsticnbDataProviderError – If provider is not found.
classmethod get_settings(print_settings=True) → Optional[str]

Print or return metadata for class.

Parameters:print_settings (bool, optional) – Print to standard, by default True or return the str formatted content.
Returns:If print_settings is True, returns None. If False, returns LF-delimited string of metadata settings.
Return type:Optional[str]


Use metadata attribute to retrieve the metadata directly.

classmethod import_cell()

Import the text of this module into a new cell.

classmethod keywords() → List[str]

Return search keywords for Notebooklet.

Return type:List[str]
list_methods() → List[str]

Return list of methods with descriptions.

classmethod list_options() → str

Return options document for Notebooklet run function.

Returns:Supported options.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod match_terms(search_terms: str) → Tuple[bool, int]

Search class definition for search_terms.

Parameters:search_terms (str) – One or more search terms, separated by spaces or commas. Terms can be simple strings or regular expressions.
Returns:Returns a tuple of bool (True if all terms match) and int (count of matched terms)
Return type:Tuple[bool, int]
metadata = NBMetadata(name='Notebooklet', mod_name='', description='Base class', default_options=[], other_options=[], inputs=['value'], entity_types=[], keywords=[], req_providers=[])
module_path = ''
classmethod name() → str

Return name of the Notebooklet.

Return type:str
classmethod print_options()

Print options for Notebooklet run function.


Return result of the most recent notebooklet run.

Returns:Notebooklet result class or None if nothing has been run.
Return type:Optional[NotebookletResult]
run(value: Any = None, data: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, timespan: Optional[msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan] = None, options: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, **kwargs) → msticnb.notebooklet_result.NotebookletResult

Notebooklet abstract base class.

  • value (Any, optional) – value to process, by default None
  • data (Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional) – Input data to process, by default None
  • timespan (Optional[TimeSpan, Any], optional) – Timespan over which operations such as queries will be performed, by default None. This can be a TimeStamp object or another object that has valid start, end, or period attributes.
  • options (Optional[Iterable[str]], optional) – List of options to use, by default None A value of None means use default options. Options prefixed with “+” will be added to the default options. Options prefixed with “-” will be removed from the default options. To see the list of available options type help(cls) where “cls” is the notebooklet class or an instance of this class.
Other Parameters:
  • start (Union[datetime, datelike-string]) – Alternative to specifying timespan parameter.
  • end (Union[datetime, datelike-string]) – Alternative to specifying timespan parameter.

Result class from the notebooklet

Return type:


classmethod show_help()

Display Documentation for class.


Get the current instance setting for silent running.

Returns:Silent running is enabled.
Return type:Optional[bool]

msticnb.notebooklet_result module

Notebooklet Result base classes.

class msticnb.notebooklet_result.NotebookletResult(description: Optional[str] = None, timespan: Optional[msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan] = None, notebooklet: Optional[Any] = None)

Bases: msticnb.data_viewers.DFViewer

Base result class.

Create new Notebooklet result instance.

  • description (Optional[str], optional) – Result description, by default None
  • timespan (Optional[TimeSpan], optional) – TimeSpan for the results, by default None
  • notebooklet (Optional[Notebooklet], optional) – Originating notebooklet, by default None
data_properties(empty: bool = False) → List[str]

Return list of attributes with populated data.

prop_doc(name) → Tuple[str, str]

Get the property documentation for the property.


Return names of all properties.

view_events(summary_cols: List[str] = None, attrib: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs) → msticpy.nbtools.nbwidgets.select_item.SelectItem

Return simple data view for DataFrame/result attribute.

  • summary_cols (List[str], optional) – [description]
  • attrib (Optional[str], optional) – [description], by default None
  • data (Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional) – [description], by default None
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to the SelectItem widget.

Browser for events in DataFrame.

Return type:


  • AttributeError – Attribute name not in results class.
  • TypeError – Input data or attribute is not a DataFrame
  • MsticnbMissingParameterError – One of data or attrib parameters must be supplied
  • KeyError – Summary column name specified that isn’t in the DataFrame
vis_properties() → List[str]

Return list of properties with visualizations.

msticnb.options module

Notebooklets global options.

Available options are: [name, type (default value), description]

  • verbose: bool (True) - Show progress messages.
  • debug: bool (False) - Turn on debug output.
  • show_sample_results: bool (True) - Display sample of results as they are produced.
  • silent: bool (False) - Execute notebooklets with no output.

Show current settings.

msticnb.options.get_opt(option: str) → Any

Get the named option.

Parameters:option (str) – Option name.
Returns:Option value
Return type:Any
Raises:KeyError – An invalid option name was supplied.
msticnb.options.set_opt(option: str, value: Any)

Set the named option.

  • option (str) – Option name.
  • value (Any) – Option value.
  • KeyError – An invalid option name was supplied.
  • TypeError – Option value was not the correct type.

Show help for options.

msticnb.read_modules module

read_modules - handles reading notebooklets modules.

class msticnb.read_modules.FindResult(full_match, match_count, name, nb_class)

Bases: tuple

Create new instance of FindResult(full_match, match_count, name, nb_class)


Return number of occurrences of value.


Alias for field number 0


Return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 3

msticnb.read_modules.discover_modules(nb_path: Union[str, Iterable[str]] = None) → msticnb.common.NBContainer

Discover notebooks modules.

Parameters:nb_path (Union[str, Iterable[str]], optional) – Additional path to search for notebooklets, by default None
Returns:Container of notebooklets. This is structured as a tree mirroring the source folder names.
Return type:NBContainer
msticnb.read_modules.find(keywords: str, full_match=True) → List[Tuple[str, msticnb.notebooklet.Notebooklet]]

Search for Notebooklets matching key words.

  • keywords (str) – Space or comma-separated words to search for. Terms can be regular expressions.
  • full_match (bool) – If True only return full matches, default is True. If False it will return partial matches.

List of matches sorted by closest match

Return type:

List[Tuple[str, Notebooklet]]


Search terms are treated as regular expressions, so any regular expression reserved characters will be treated as part of the regex pattern.

msticnb.dataviewers module

Data viewers mixin classes.

class msticnb.data_viewers.DFViewer

Bases: object

Mixin class for NotebookletResult.

view_events(summary_cols: List[str] = None, attrib: Optional[str] = None, data: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, **kwargs) → msticpy.nbtools.nbwidgets.select_item.SelectItem

Return simple data view for DataFrame/result attribute.

  • summary_cols (List[str], optional) – [description]
  • attrib (Optional[str], optional) – [description], by default None
  • data (Optional[pd.DataFrame], optional) – [description], by default None
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments passed to the SelectItem widget.

Browser for events in DataFrame.

Return type:


  • AttributeError – Attribute name not in results class.
  • TypeError – Input data or attribute is not a DataFrame
  • MsticnbMissingParameterError – One of data or attrib parameters must be supplied
  • KeyError – Summary column name specified that isn’t in the DataFrame