Notebooklets Details
- Notebooklet Class - AccountSummary
- Notebooklet Class - EnrichAlerts
- Notebooklet Class - HostLogonsSummary
- Notebooklet Class - HostNetworkSummary
- Notebooklet Class - HostSummary
- Notebooklet Class - LogonSessionsRarity
- Notebooklet Class - IpAddressSummary
- Display Sections
- Azure Sign-ins and audit activity from IP Address
- Azure Azure NSG Flow Logs for IP
- Office 365 operations summary from IP Address
- Public IP data (GeoIP, ThreatIntel, Passive DNS, VPS membership)
- Azure Sentinel alerts related to the IP
- Azure Sentinel alerts related to the IP
- Azure Network Analytics Topology record for the IP
- Common security log
- Defender device information
- Network connections
- Azure Sentinel heartbeat record for the IP
- Host logons
- Related accounts
- Azure VMComputer record for the IP.
- Summary of Azure NSG network flow data for this IP Address
- Results Class
- Methods
- __init__
- browse_alerts
- browse_ti_results
- display_alert_timeline
- netflow_by_direction
- netflow_by_protocol
- netflow_total_by_protocol
- run
- check_table_exists
- check_valid_result_data
- get_methods
- get_pivot_run
- get_provider
- list_methods
- run_nb_func
- run_nb_funcs
- add_nb_function
- all_options
- default_options
- description
- entity_types
- get_help
- get_settings
- import_cell
- keywords
- list_options
- match_terms
- name
- print_options
- result
- show_help
- silent
function documentation
- Display Sections
- Notebooklet Class - NetworkFlowSummary
- Notebooklet Class - URLSummary
- Notebooklet Class - WinHostEvents