Notebooklet Class - NetworkFlowSummary

Network Flow Summary Notebooklet class.

Queries network data and plots time lines for network

traffic to/from a host or IP address.

  • Plot flows events by protocol and direction

  • Plot flow count by protocol

  • Display flow summary table

  • Display flow summary by ASN

  • Display results on map


  • run: main method for notebooklet.

  • select_asns: Open an interactive dialog to choose which ASNs to

investigate further.

  • lookup_ti_for_asn_ips: For selected ASNs, lookup Threat Intelligence

data for the IPs belonging to those ASNs.

  • show_selected_asn_map: Show IP address locations for selected IP

(including any threats highlighted)

Default Options

  • plot_flows: Create plots of flows by protocol and direction.

  • plot_flow_values: Plot flow county by protocol.

  • flow_summary: Create a summarization of all flows and all flows grouped by ASN.

  • resolve_host: Try to resolve the host name before other operations.

Other Options

  • geo_map: Plot a map of all IP address locations in communication with the host (see the method below for plotting selected IPs only).

Display Sections

Host Network Summary

This shows a summary of network flows for this endpoint. Data and plots are stored in the result class returned by this function.

Map of geographic location of selected IPs communicating with host

Numbered circles indicate multiple items - click to expand these. Hovering over a location shows brief details, clicking on an IP location shows more detail. Location marker key - Blue = outbound - Purple = inbound - Green = Host - Red = Threats

Map of geographic location of all IPs communicating with host

Numbered circles indicate multiple items - click to expand these. Hovering over a location shows brief details, clicking on an IP location shows more detail. Location marker key - Blue = outbound - Purple = inbound - Green = Host

Flow Index.

List of flows grouped by source, dest, protocol and direction.

Flow Summary with ASN details.

Gets the ASN details from WhoIs. The data shows flows grouped by source and destination ASNs. All protocol types and all source IP addresses are grouped into lists for each ASN.

TI Lookup for IP Addresses in selected ASNs.

The remote IPs from each selected ASN are are searched for your selected Threat Intelligence providers. Check the results to see if there are indications of malicious activity associated with these IPs.

Timeline of network flows quantity.

Each protocol is plotted as a separate colored series. The vertical axis indicates the number for flows recorded for that time slot.

Timeline of network flows by direction.

I = inbound, O = outbound.

Timeline of network flows by protocol type.

Select the ASNs to process.

Choose any unusual looking ASNs that you want to examine. The remote IPs from each selected ASN will be sent to your selected Threat Intelligence providers to check if there are indications of malicious activity associated with these IPs. By default, the most infrequently accessed ASNs are selected.

Results Class


Network Flow Details Results.


  • host_entity : msticpy.datamodel.entities.Host
    The host entity object contains data about the host such as name, environment, operating system version, IP addresses and Azure VM details. Depending on the type of host, not all of this data may be populated.
  • network_flows : pd.DataFrame
    The raw network flows recorded for this host.
  • plot_flows_by_protocol : Figure
    Bokeh timeline plot of flow events by protocol.
  • plot_flows_by_direction : Figure
    Bokeh timeline plot of flow events by direction (in/out).
  • plot_flow_values : Figure
    Bokeh values plot of flow events by protocol.
  • flow_index : pd.DataFrame
    Summarized DataFrame of flows
  • flow_index_data : pd.DataFrame
    Raw summary data of flows.
  • flow_summary : pd.DataFrame
    Summarized flows grouped by ASN
  • ti_results : pd.DataFrame
    Threat Intelligence results for selected IP Addreses.
  • geo_map : foliummap.FoliumMap
    Folium map showing locations of all IP Addresses.
  • geo_map_selected : foliummap.FoliumMap
    Folium map showing locations of selected IP Addresses.


Instance Methods


__init__(self, data_providers: Optional[<msticnb.data_providers.SingletonDecorator object at 0x0000023FAFA3A6A0>] = None, **kwargs)
Intialize a new instance of the notebooklet class.


Lookup Threat Intel data for IPs of selected ASNs.


run(self, value: Any = None, data: Optional[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame] = None, timespan: Optional[msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan] = None, options: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None, **kwargs) ->
Return host summary data.


Show interactive selector to choose which ASNs to process.


show_selected_asn_map(self) -> msticpy.nbtools.foliummap.FoliumMap
Display map of IP locations for selected ASNs.

Inherited methods


check_table_exists(self, table: str) -> bool
Check to see if the table exists in the provider.


check_valid_result_data(self, attrib: str = None, silent: bool = False) -> bool
Check that the result is valid and attrib contains data.


get_methods(self) -> Dict[str, Callable[[Any], Any]]
Return methods available for this class.


get_pivot_run(self, get_timespan: Callable[[], msticpy.common.timespan.TimeSpan])
Return Pivot-wrappable run function.


get_provider(self, provider_name: str)
Return data provider for the specified name.


list_methods(self) -> List[str]
Return list of methods with descriptions.


run_nb_func(self, nb_func: Union[str, msticnb.notebooklet_func.NBFunc], **kwargs)
Run the notebooklet function and return the results.


Run all notebooklet functions defined for the notebooklet.

Other Methods


add_nb_function(nb_func: Union[str, msticnb.notebooklet_func.NBFunc], **kwargs)
Add a notebooklet function to the class.


all_options() -> List[str]
Return supported options for Notebooklet run function.


default_options() -> List[str]
Return default options for Notebooklet run function.


description() -> str
Return description of the Notebooklet.


entity_types() -> List[str]
Entity types supported by the notebooklet.


get_help(fmt=’html’) -> str
Return HTML document for class.


get_settings(print_settings=True) -> Optional[str]
Print or return metadata for class.


Import the text of this module into a new cell.


keywords() -> List[str]
Return search keywords for Notebooklet.


list_options() -> str
Return options document for Notebooklet run function.


match_terms(search_terms: str) -> Tuple[bool, int]
Search class definition for search_terms.


name() -> str
Return name of the Notebooklet.


result [property] Return result of the most recent notebooklet run.


Display Documentation for class.


silent [property] Get the current instance setting for silent running.


run function documentation

Return host summary data.



Host entity, hostname or host IP Address

dataOptional[pd.DataFrame], optional

Not used, by default None


Timespan over which operations such as queries will be performed, by default None. This can be a TimeStamp object or another object that has valid start, end, or period attributes.

optionsOptional[Iterable[str]], optional

List of options to use, by default None A value of None means use default options. Options prefixed with “+” will be added to the default options. To see the list of available options type help(cls) where “cls” is the notebooklet class or an instance of this class.

Other Parameters

startUnion[datetime, datelike-string]

Alternative to specifying timespan parameter.

endUnion[datetime, datelike-string]

Alternative to specifying timespan parameter.



Result object with attributes for each result type.



If required parameters are missing

Default Options

  • plot_flows: Create plots of flows by protocol and direction.

  • plot_flow_values: Plot flow county by protocol.

  • flow_summary: Create a summarization of all flows and all flows grouped by ASN.

  • resolve_host: Try to resolve the host name before other operations.

Other Options

  • geo_map: Plot a map of all IP address locations in communication with the host (see the method below for plotting selected IPs only).